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Celeste FFA Member, Kambrie Hogue, attends National FFA Convention

Posted Date: 10/29/2018

Celeste FFA Member, Kambrie Hogue, attends National FFA Convention

Kambrie Hogue attended the 91st National FFA Convention in Indianapolis during Oct. 21-28. She is a Celeste FFA member and an Area 5 FFA officer. Kambrie was there with the Texas FFA delegation serving as voting delegate. “What an awesome experience for her! This is a great example of what Celeste FFA members represent,” stated Celeste Ag Science teacher, Stephen Dillard.  She was also one of the few that got to be in the arena to see President Trump give his address to the FFA Convention. There were approximately 65,000 FFA members in attendance at the convention.

Kambrie at National FFA Convention