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Wool Judging


Members within a team each evaluate fleeces for fineness, length and yield, rank fleeces within a group and give reasons for their placing of those classes. Contestants must be very familiar with all grading standards and evaluation techniques because no measuring devices are to be used during the contest.


Week 1: Sheep Basics 
Week 2: Introduction to Wool Judging & Wool Judging Vocabulary 
Week 3: Grading the Rail 

Week 4: Grading the Rail Placings and Reasons 
Week 5: Practice Grading the Rail & Official Reasons
Week 6: Practice Placing Classes & Official Reasons

Wool Breeds Resources:

Practice Wool Judging Vocabulary using Quizlet
SEARCH QUIZLET: Julie_Dillard9

Classification of Wool Breeds Slideshow by Dusty Soles




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