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GREAT Celeste ISD News!

Posted Date: 12/14/2020

GREAT Celeste ISD News!

The COVID19 pandemic brought with it many challenges for public schools.  Celeste ISD was faced with not only training teachers to teach in a virtual environment for remote learning but also providing necessary technology to deliver the remote instruction.  Our planning process began in late spring and continued throughout the summer.  District technology specialists worked closely with teachers to prepare them for the demands of remote learning.  

In addition to professional development, CISD administration and school board members worked tirelessly to pull together local funds to support the technology demand.  With school districts across the nation scrambling to meet technology needs, the supply quickly diminished, but prompt decision making paid off as CISD wasted no time purchasing an additional 100 chromebooks and extra wifi hotspots!  These summer purchases helped to meet the needs of our remote learners in August.  In addition to the local funds, the Texas Education Agency stepped in to provide support of technology needs by rolling out the Instructional Continuity and Operational Connectivity grants.  These grants allowed CISD to purchase an additional 160 chromebooks and 100 wifi hotspots at a reduced price.  

The devices were slow to arrive in districts due to high demand nationwide, but it was like Christmas came early to CISD as all the additional devices arrived by the first week of December.  The devices are currently being processed at each campus, and Celeste ISD is proud to announce that the district is nearing a 1 to 1 computer per student ratio!

  This is a huge benefit for CISD as being 1 to 1 will accommodate teachers and students with access to digital textbooks, curriculum and experiences.  On demand access to countless online resources is sure to enhance the teaching and learning environment whether instruction is face to face or remote.  

2020 is almost a wrap, and with the New Year, Celeste ISD is hopeful and eager to jump into 2021.  Thanks to our local leaders and statewide assistance, CISD feels ready and equipped to take on the challenges of these unprecedented times.